Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Hey fam,
Well first of all - CONGRATS, Caleb! Twenty lbs is a big deal! And we're not even that far into 2008. Great work! I'm very proud. And mom, good stuff on losing some weight as well. I don't have a scale, but I'm feeling pretty good too.

And I couldn't agree more that Hannah has been adding some nice flavor and spice to this blog. Good work, sister.

In keeping with our healthy theme, I thought I'd let you know that Evey's ears are "looking great" according to the doc we saw today. She's having some bad tummy troubles b/c of the antibiotics and I really wanted the doc to tell us she could stop before her 10 days were up. No dice - she has to finish. But, I'm hoping that this will be the last ear infection of her year. So, she's getting healthy too. Plus, she loves hummus so I think she could live the vegetarian life with Caleb and Jaime if she wanted.

I'm still walking 3 times a week. It's been going great. I love getting out in the early mornings (who would've thought I would EVER have said that) and it's really fun getting to chat with Becky so much. I've also been trying to make sure I am eating plenty of veggies/fruits, and I've been trying to watch my sodium intake. Also, I've been chasing Evey around everywhere. She doesn't like to pull herself up on the things she should, but likes the scary glass coffee table or the bathtub (when she's in it), so I think that is helping my activity level.

Love you all so much!
~ Heather
p.s. Jaime - how's hula going?

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