Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Constructive Criticism

So, this is a little off the subject of the past couple of posts, but I'm going to fill everyone in on my observations of Caleb's workout. First of all, I want to say, overall, I'm pretty impressed. Mostly because he completed three weeks of my workout without skipping a day. (Hope that holds true for the fourth week.) I'm going to make a few detailed points now and I'll be on my way...

1) I'm blown away by your upper body strength! Just so you know, we're going to focus a little more on that area for this next workout cycle. We're going to get those push up #'s up!!!
2) I'm glad you found a manageable way to do the "inverted push up", but I'm a little concerned about how you're doing them... I'm confused as to how you can do 20 of those, but less then 10 regular push ups. If you feel like you're getting a good workout then ok, but I can't even do 20 of them and I don't have as much weight to lift (no offense).
3) I'm unsure as to why you were doing more calf raises on one leg then the other. You should really work each side the same amount. You could end up making yourself lopsided otherwise. Looks like the third week you evened it out, so let's keep that rollin'.
4) Another thing I'm confused about is how you could do all the core workouts...honestly, that's what I thought you'd fail at, but you dominated those. Even over-exceeded on some of them. Nice work!!!
5) You're legs are pretty damn good also; as they should be, you're running a freakin' marathon for crying out loud. This is good though, we're starting with a solid base.

You should be happy with where you're at right now. You've got solid legs and a solid core. Your only downfall (that I can see on paper) is your upperbody and we're going to work on that. We're going to continue to "tone" your legs and core, but we're going to try and shock your upperbody and build some more strength. All I ask is you stick with it and don't get discouraged. This takes time. Keep in mind, that when someone becomes overweight, it didn't happen overnight. It takes years! Same thing in the reverse situation. Which is why I wanted you to keep a record of your progress so you can have visual evidence that you're improving. And as you can tell, it's only been three weeks and you've improved every week!!! Keep it up Caleb!!! I'm extremely proud of you!

I'm going end this now before it turns into a novel, but not without saying I'm proud of everyone involved with this blog. I think it's awesome that everyone is taking a stand, caring about their health and doing something about it. I hope you all keep your motivation and continue to better your lives. If there's anything I can do to help each of you, feel free to let me know... Love you all!

1 comment:

MamaWebsterJames said...

Dave, I think this is the most I've ever heard you say at once. You are passionate about fitness! Thanks for your encouragement. I don't think I could do any of the stuff you told Caleb to do; how about something easier?
