Sunday, January 31, 2010

Reclaiming Health

Hello Family,

A lot of things have been coming together that have collectively convinced me to start blogging a bit again. Hannah's awesome travel blog, Paulette and Kristi's health issues, my weight gain, an onset of rare self-doubt...

I was going back through some of these blog postings this afternoon and thinking that we all accomplished quite a bit while we were blogging. Our motivation came in waves, and blogging wasn't always that easy or exciting. But I think we all did some positive things over the course of the year and a half that we kept this thing going.

Law school has been hard on my health. There are some great things about it, and I'm happy to be here in Berkeley surrounded by so many brilliant minds. But, the stresses and demands of law school have meant that my exercise routine and diet have suffered. I don't want to focus on pounds, but all the weight I had lost since we started at the end of 2007 the blog is back. Weight is only a very small part of health. But sometimes it can reflect the bigger picture, and I would say that is true right now.

What I've been trying to figure out, and need to keep working on, is how to become healthier, despite the stresses of school. Last time that I started blogging, I set goals for myself, some that I followed through on and others that I didn't. What I'm not sure about is whether those were good in the long run. I think I do better exercising or eating right when I give myself a goal, or some restriction. But I would really like to find the way to make positive choices in my health that are lifelong.

No answers yet, but I'm going to try to use this blog again as a tool to figuring out how to reclaim my health.

1 comment:

MamaWebsterJames said...

Caleb, I agree that I need to focus more on health too, especially after viewing all the South American photos. So thanks!