Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hula Lessons

Well, I am getting ready to go to my second hula lesson. It's much more of a workout then I had originally thought it was going to be. My knees, legs and my oh so flabby tummy ache on Friday morning. My knees pop and crack throughout the class. Hopefully, by the end I will have a firm tummy and wiggly hips.

Additionally, I am back to being a vegetarian (except for those days when I eat Korean BBQ). I am trying to watch the cheese intake. I think that I am at a disadvantage though. I have loved cheese from the time I was a toddler. Any suggestions for going off the cheese? Hopefully, if I drop the cheese, I can drop the pounds.

1 comment:

Heather said...

i love that you're doing hula lessons! and jealous, honestly.

i have no suggestions with the cheese thing. i love cheese. i refuse to give it up. ever. sorry, sister.