Monday, February 4, 2008

1/12th of the way to the New Year

Can you believe we're already four days into the second month of 2008?  It's going by fast.

I wanted to give the update about my resolution to lose a pound a week.  This week was my first time to fail on that goal (damn Super Bowl party).  I gained .6 lb (I like the precision of our scale).  I am glad I built in a safety clause to the goal, giving myself 12 weeks in the year to not lose a pound, so I don't have to give up on the whole goal because of this one defeat.  But overall, January was a great month (I know I have to give some credit to my "-itis"-filled adventure in Korea).  I lost 12 lbs. from Jan 1 to today.  I think cutting out soda and beer was a huge part of this.  As Jillian from Biggest Loser says, "We never want to drink our calories, people."  I don't expect as big of numbers the rest of the year and expect I'll have to work harder for the pounds I do lose.  I haven't exercised as much as I would like - partly because of the weather, partly because of figuring out the new semester's schedule.  But with only one car I have done a lot more walking, which is a great thing.

So, my goal for this week is to be more careful with what I eat, get a little more exercise, and take off that 6/10s of a pound (plus one)!

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