Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 2 workout

So I'm thinking that not being able to do the treacherous inverted push-up was a blessing in disguise. Because today I was able to do all of Dave's workout plan and it seriously kicked my ass!

Dave gave me 3 separate workouts, which I am alternating every MWF (every Monday I'll have the same workout, at least for a month at a time). Today's consisted of squat thrusts, which were a killer workout by themselves. Then I smoothly went into a wall-sit that was supposed to last 60 seconds. I don't think mini-micro machine speed talker John Moschitta could have gotten to 60 in the amount of time I sat there. I then did another speed 30 second plank position, where you basically hold a push-up position, only on your elbows. Topped that off with some elevated push-ups (better than inverteds, for sure), bicycle crunches, and push-up crawls (don't ask, they hurt). I was supposed to do some chair dips too, but couldn't find a proper set-up outside.

On a completely unrelated and probably antithetical note, I made grandma's peanut-butter cup bars last night for a dinner we had with some Korean friends. It was my first time making them and they didn't turn out as good as Grandma's (I had a problem with mixing up the peanut-butter stuff without a food processor), but still delicious and nostalgic all the same. And our friends like them, so that was the important part (besides me liking them, which really was the important part).

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