Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Zen & the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

This is pretty irrelevant information for a fitness blog, but thought I would share it anyway.  I've been reading ZATAOMM (see blog title) this past week.  I didn't realize that it's focused in and around Montana.  In the section I just read the author talked about driving through Laurel and Red Lodge and then going up the Cooke City Highway.  It's been fun to read and have such clear memories of the places in mind.  I'm only a quarter of the way into the book, so I can't pass off a strong recommendation or anything yet, but thought you might check it out (if you haven't already) just for a book that takes place in Big Sky country.


Davergriff said...

Do you think it would be something I would enjoy reading? You know how hard it is for me to get into a book.

Caleb Webster said...

No, you wouldn't like it. It gets pretty deep into philosophy and spends a lot of time talking about the parts of a motorcycle (I guess the title is not as misleading as I thought it would be). I'm liking it alright, but I don't think you would. I'll think a little bit if there is a book I could recommend you.

Davergriff said...

Yeah, Brynn read it too, and said pretty much the same thing... Thanks.