Wednesday, January 23, 2008

runnin back in the states

Well, despite a poor diet and lack of exercise, I came back from Korea lighter than I was when I left. I attribute this to being sick as a dog and to my anxiety over certain spicy Korean dishes. So, my goal is to try to maintain this lower weight for the week rather than ballooning back up.

I went for my first run since being back this morning. I'm actually still suffering from jetlag a bit, but I'm loving it. I like being a morning person - I get so much done. But I know it won't last. I always seem to settle back to my night owl behavior eventually. Still, I look forward to being more active and productive this spring. One thing I know from watching Biggest Loser is that better diet and exercise are great at making you feel more energized and inspired to be productive. So I'm hoping to start that not-so-vicious cycle.

Also wanted to encourage all my siblings. I've really enjoyed reading about your running and swimming Hannah, and your yoga and at-home exercising Heather. Also, it's been a major advantage having Jaime committed to getting healthier and having her around to motivate me. So, keep it up everyone. Almost a month into the new year and I think we are all taking positive steps toward being much healthier at the start of 2009. Thanks for jumping on board this fitness thing.

1 comment:

MamaWebsterJames said...

I'm proud of you!

Why does everyone's name show up as Mike's Marvel? It's hard to see who wrote the comments.